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South Borough Primary School Academy

At South Borough Nursery, our fundamental belief is for children to learn and flourish in a safe, fun, happy, engaging and challenging environment. We enjoy having good relationships with our parents and carers, and believe this partnership is crucial to giving children the best start in their education. We understand that handing over your little one to us can be a huge step for both you and your child. Be reassured that we have a nurturing atmosphere at South Borough and we maintain contact with you. 

Who to contact

01622 752161

Where to go

Postley Road
ME15 6TL

When is it on?

When is childcare available
Term Time Only
Carescheme Age Range:
3 year(s), month(s) to 4 year(s), month(s)
Opening Times
Opening Times
DayOpening TimeClosing Time
Monday 8:40 3:30
Tuesday 8:40 3:30
Wednesday 8:40 3:30
Thursday 8:40 3:30
Friday 8:40 3:30

Other Details

Table of costs
Table of costs
AmountCost Type
15 Per session am
15 Per session pm
5 Per lunch
ECD Type
Academy Nursery
Cost details
Contact provider for details
3-4 Year Old Funding?
2 Year Old Funding?
Vacancies Details
Vacancies available at the beginning of September, January and April. Please get in touch the term before.
Immediate vacancies?
Contact Provider for Vacancy Details?
Vacancy Information Last updated Date
Languages Spoken:
Sign Language Makaton, English, Spanish

30 Hours Extended Entitlement

Registered to provide up to 30 hours entitlement
30 Hours Partner Details (These are details of any other childcare provider(s) that this provider will work with to offer the 30 hours entitlement)

30 hours of free childcare
8.40 a.m - 11.40 a.m
12.30 p.m - 3.30 p.m

Lunch session options: 11.40am-12.30pm
Option 1: Collect your child at 11:40am and bring them back at 12:30pm.
Option 2: Lunch — £5.00 per session (bring own packed lunch)
Option 3: Lunch — £5.00 per session (A hot meal provided by Pabulum currently £2.40)

Service status


Local Offer

South Borough Primary School - SEN information

Special Needs Support

South Borough Primary School SEND Process

1. Early Identification - Class teachers or parents/carers should raise any initial concerns and have a discussion to consider the support required - within the classroom setting. Class teachers will share this information with the SENCo and the child may, at this stage, be added to the SEN register.

2. Assessments and referrals The SENCo may carry out relevant assessments such as Ravens, EVT, BPVS and Boxall. Referrals to relevant outside agencies may be made, such as Early Help. Paediatrics, CHYPS, Educational Psychology, Social Services and Occupational Therapy Service. This information will be shared with parents and carers by the teacher.

3. Interventions – Teachers will put interventions in place for a set period of time. Interventions are recorded on a Provision Map. The impact of interventions is assessed regularly. 1. If progress is made teachers will continue with interventions until the child is back on track. The SEN process stops. 2. If no progress is made different interventions are put in place and assessed for impact after a set time.

4. Personalised Plans - Teachers, parents and SENCo will meet. Where additional support is significantly over and above Quality First Teaching, the class teacher, parents/carers and SENCo would assess the child and a SEN Personalised Plan with specified targets, would be written and agreed with built in review dates.

5. Discuss next steps - At the review meeting, the Personalised Plan may be removed due to good progress made, or it may continue with the consideration of additional support from outside agencies such as Early Help and/or LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team).

6. Local Inclusion Forum Team - Where there continues to be limited progress the SENCo will complete relevant paperwork and bring the pupil to LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team) Specialist Teaching and Learning Service become involved.

7. Specialist will make appropriate observations – School will follow recommendations requesting any further support and/or additional screens, if required.

8. Final Steps – If progress continues to be slow or there is a complete lack of progress and an application for an Education Health Care Plan may be considered where sufficient evidence can be provided to the SEN Office.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers.

We will:

• Have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of parents/carers.

• Provide parents/carers with the information and support necessary to enable full participation in decision making.

• Support parents/carers in order to facilitate the development of their child to help them achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, preparing them effectively for adulthood.

• Meet with the parents/carers of children at least three times each year.

• Provide an annual report for parents/carers on their child’s progress. If there are any disagreements with parents about SEND support for their child, we will work with them to try to resolve these. If parents have a complaint, they can use the school’s complaints procedure. Details about this are available from the school office or on the school website. (COP 1.1, 6.64, 6.65. 11.71)

We record evidence of pupil progress, with a focus on outcomes and a rigorous approach to the monitoring and evaluation of any SEND support provided. We record details of additional or different provision made under SEND support. This forms part of regular discussions with parents/carers about the child’s progress, expected outcomes from the support and planned next steps. (COP 6.72, 6.73)

SEND support takes the form of a four-part cycle: assess, plan, do and review. Decisions and actions are revisited, refined, and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. This is known as the graduated approach. (COP 6.44)

Clear dates for reviewing progress are agreed and the parent/carer, pupil and teaching staff will be clear about how they will help the pupil reach the expected outcomes. The effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress will be reviewed in line with the agreed date. (COP 6.43, 6.53)


All pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Lessons are planned to address potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to pupil achievement. We do what is necessary to enable children to develop, learn, participate, and achieve the best possible outcomes irrespective of whether that is through reasonable adjustments for a disabled child or special educational provision for a child with SEND. (COP 6.12, 6.82, 1.34)


● When we plan support for a pupil, we think about the knowledge and skills their teachers and support staff will need.

● Training is planned to reflect expectations in the school strategic plan which is reviewed at regular points throughout the year by senior leaders, governors and staff.

● The SENDCo, Rachael Fulcher, has gained the National Award in Special Educational Needs Coordination in 2016.

● Teaching and support staff have participated in a range of continued professional development opportunities:

● ASD awareness

● De-escalation Techniques

● Sensory circuits

● Dyslexia support

● Behaviour for learning

● Clever fingers

● SEN and the Learning Environment

● Using Visual Support in the classroom

● Supporting children with ASD/ASC in my classroom

● How to support challenging behaviour

● Unlocking the secrets to reading

● Understanding & Applying the Boxall Profile

● Read Write Inc

● Paired Reading

● Toe By Toe

● Better Reading Partners

● We regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for all pupils to make sure no-one under achieves.

● We use information systems to monitor the progress and development of all pupils. This helps us to develop the use of interventions that are effective and to remove those that are less so.

● Every pupil in the school has their progress tracked and discussed at pupil progress meetings. The tracking tool we use at South Borough is OTrack.

● The Trust SEND Leadership Group supports us in regular self evaluation and this informs our school SEND action plan.

● Leaders review the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils with SEND through lesson observations, learning walks, book looks and pupil voice.

● This is to evaluate whether teaching and programmes of support have made an impact on pupils’ progress within the four broad areas of need.

● Senior leaders hold regular meetings with the SENDCo to maintain a strategic overview and to facilitate a consistent, professional dialogue in order to plan next steps.

● The school has a three layered provision management system:

- Layer 1 provides a strategic overview of all interventions taking place according to the four broad areas of need in the SEND CoP, 2015.

- Layer 2 identifies quality first teaching strategies and intervention entry/exit data, to meet the additional needs of groups or individuals in each class.

- Layer 3 is used by support staff to record intervention target work and progress and this information informs outcomes in Layer 2.

● Intervention delivery is monitored by the SENCO using drop in sessions with written feedback provided.

● Layer 2 interventions and exit data are rag rated and discussed during strategic review meetings to inform future planning.

● The SENCO maintains regular contact with the SEND governor to review provisions against strategic priorities. The agreed report template is then completed and submitted to the governing body.

● We invite parents/carers to provide feedback in a variety of ways including structured conversations and pastoral support meetings.

● We send home a parent/carer questionnaire to gather their views and to inform the school’s inclusion action plan.

● Our current accessibility plan and equalities objectives can be found on the school’s website.

● We have a commitment to every pupil being included in all activities, including physical activities, extra-curricular activities and school trips.

● Through careful planning and reasonable adjustments, pupils with SEND engage in the activities of the school together with those who do not have SEND and are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school and in any wider community activity.

● The destination and nature of off-site visits will be taken into account when considering the needs of pupils with SEND and the relevant risk assessments will be written to reflect any additional needs.

● We work with parents/carers and pupils to listen to their views, feelings and wishes with the expectation that they will allow their child’s full participation.

● They may be invited to accompany their child during visits or agree to flexible arrangements such as different transportation or adjusted timings.

● Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that pupils wit

● The school is subject to the Equalities Act, 2010 and makes reasonable adjustments, providing auxiliary aids and services to prevent a disabled child being disadvantaged.

● Our current accessibility plan and equalities information and objectives, can be found on the school’s website. This plan is prepared under paragraph 3 of Schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010.

● Please also see a copy of our current policies: Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Pupils With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School.

● Ramps and slopes are positioned around the school to enable wheelchair access. There is an integrated lift and playgrounds are tarmacked and level.

● The school has a care suite with an integrated bed, toilet for intimate care use.

● Outside agencies are also consulted when necessary for their expertise and advice, e.g. The Sensory Team, The Hearing Service, Occupational Health and Physiotherapy. They will visit the school and/or provide support to teachers and other staff working with identified pupils.

● Specialist equipment or resources may be sourced by the SENDCo to enable identified pupils to access all aspects of the curriculum. These resources will be purchased using the notional SEN funding.

● For highly specialist communication equipment the school will seek the advice of the KCC Communication and Assistive Technology team.

We are sensitive to the individual needs of children at all points of transition and there are well structured arrangements within and between phases which can be tailored to suit specific needs.

● Appropriate members of staff will arrange and undertake transition meetings. These will include all professionals involved with the child, parents and carers and the new setting.

● Multi-agency transition meetings will be necessary to ensure a smooth transition for a pupil with more significant needs.

● Additional internal or external visits are organised when required.

● Preparation work can also be carried out with individual pupils to reduce feelings of anxiety for a smoother transition using tailored resources.

● The school liaises with onward destinations to plan a series of transition sessions according to need.

● Children transitioning into year R have a staggered start in September which includes stay and plays and half day sessions. Personalised transition programmes are put in place where necessary. EYFS staff make contact with both the nursery and parents before the children start to gather important information about the children.

● Children going through transition will have access to social stories, meet the teacher days and extended team and relationship building activities.

● Staff take part in transition meetings to ensure robust transition between year groups.

● Year 6 children take part in the STLS transition programme to prepare them for secondary school.

● Teachers and where necessary the SENDCo meets with the receiving school to discuss any additional needs.

● Where children have an EHC plan a transition meeting will be held, this may take place alongside or in addition to a n annual review depending on when their annual review is due. This meeting will be coordinated by the SENDCo.

● South Borough Primary School is committed to working in partnership with parents and carers.

● Parents/carers are actively involved in the construction and review of personalised plans and they are invited to attend annual review meetings to evaluate their child’s progress in relation to an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) targets.

● EHCPs are reviewed every 12 months as one of the three review meetings.

● They are given the opportunity to meet with external agency professionals to discuss their child’s additional needs during multi agency meetings, including children looked after (CLA) reviews, Personal Educational Plan meetings, Individual Health Care plan construction, Risk Reduction planning, Child Protection review conferences, Child in Need meetings and Core Group meetings.

● Parents or carers are encouraged to participate in our support cycle - Assess, Plan, Do and Review (APDR) three times a year. This may be adjusted if the provision for the pupil needs to be amended.

● In addition to parents’ evenings twice a year to discuss their role in supporting their children at home, parents or carers can meet with their child’s class teacher informally after school if they have a concern.

● They can also make an appointment to meet with the SENDCo to discuss specific provision and any SEND related issues.

● An annual written report will be received by parents or carers at the end of each academic year.

● They are also encouraged to support their children with home learning activities and through attending key performances or special events.

● The school uses a range of communication methods to share messages and achievements to foster a positive partnership between home and school. e.g. Home school contact books, Teachers to Parents text and email, Weekly celebration letter and daily notes home.

● Parenting workshops have been arranged at the school in order to support families with topics such as supporting early phonics and supporting calculations.

● Parental questionnaires and Google forms enable the school to receive constructive feedback.

Contact the school office by telephone or email

The ‘local offer’ on the internet shows advice and advocacy services for children, young people and parents and carers:

IASK: Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) provides a free and confidential service, for parents of a disabled child or child with special educational needs and to children and young people up to age 25 who have a special educational needs or disability. Trained staff can provide impartial legally based information and support on educational matters relating to special educational needs and disabilities, including health and social care. The aim is to empower parents, children and young people to fully participate in discussions and make informed choices and decisions. Also to feel confident to express their views and wishes about education and future aspirations.

They can be contacted on:

HELPLINE: 03000 41 3000

Office: 03000 412412



● In the first instance, you should contact the class teacher or the SENDCo and we will work with parents or carers to resolve any issues you may have.

● If parents or carers continue to be unhappy, they can use the Swale Academies Trust Complaints Policy, which is available to view via a link on the school’s website.


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