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Joy Lane Children's Centre - Bumps and Babies (Term Time Only)

Bumps and Babies is for expecting carers and any carer of babies from birth to when they are starting to get more mobile.

The groups are run by experienced Early Help Support Workers who can support your baby's development and offer advice on other issues such as feeding, sleeping and play. Guest speakers such as Health Visitors, Dental Nurses and Breastfeeding Supporters are also often invited to attend the group to offer advice to parents. 

This is also a great group for parents to get to know eachother and start to feel comfortable to attend other community groups and services.

Who to contact

03000 417555
Local Directory - Joy Lane Children's Centre
Parent Organisation
Joy Lane Children's Centre

Where to go

Joy Lane Children's Centre

Public transport options

Nearest bus stop is on Joy Lane or at the bottom of Borstal Hill. Nearest train station is Whitstable.

Parking availability

There is no parking at the centre, but plenty of free parking in the surrounding roads.

When is it on?

Date & Time Information
Mondays, 9:30am - 11:00am
Time of day
Session Information
Term time only.

Other Details

Referral and availability notes

Drop-in session, no booking required.


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