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Dartford Historical and Antiquarian Society

The Society was founded in 1910.  Its pupose was "to encourage the study of local antiquities and to examine and record as far as possible all evidence of historic and prehistoric remains of antiquarian interest within the district".

The Society does not currently undertake fieldwork, however, we do carry out photographic and other historical surveys especially to preserve what is left of our town's ancient buildings.

All that is required to become a member is an interest in the history of our locality. Included in the Annual Subscription are a winter programme of lectures and our yearly Newsletter.

A social outing using own transport to a local place of interest and coach outings are arranged for the summer months.

Who to contact


Where to go

Mick Jagger Centre
Dartford Grammar School
West Hill

When is it on?

Date & Time Information
Seasonal lectures: various dates from 7:30pm for 7:45pm start
Session Information
Please refer to the programme on our website for details

Other Details

Cost details
£2 visitor's fee for non-members.
Age Range
Suitable for all ages


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