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Abacus Nursery and Childcare

Day Nursery

Who to contact

Contact Name
Lisa Evans
Contact Position
01797 369 287

Where to go

Abacus Nursery
Craythorne Lane
New Romney
TN28 8BL

When is it on?

When is childcare available
Term Time Only
Carescheme Age Range:
2 year(s), 0 month(s) to 11 year(s), 11 month(s)

Other Details

ECD Type
Day Nursery
Offers pickups
Immediate vacancies?
Contact Provider for Vacancy Details?
Vacancy Information Last updated Date
Literacy and Numeracy, Computers / It, Messy Play Area, Drama, Toys/dolls, Dressing Up, Nursery, Outdoor Activities, Environmental Area, Trike, Play House, Puppets, Quiet Room, Games / Puzzles, Visits and Outings, Garden, Sandpit, Help With Homework, Arts And Crafts, Scooter, Healthy Living, Reading, Air Conditioned, Air Hockey, Books, Sign Language / Makaton, Ball Pit, Bike, Songs, Sleeping Area, Climbing Frame, Stories, Life Skills
Wheelchair Access
Wheelchair access details
Wheelchair access to all of provision

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN
Link to latest ofsted inspection report 

Support with Childcare Costs

Free for 2 (families with 2 year olds receiving additional forms of government support)?
Universal Entitlements
Working Parents Entitlement

Service status


Local Offer


See information listed below .

Special Needs Support

We work with parents and carers to support children with additional needs,  parents/carers can share information upon application and any additional resources, services can be implemented before the child's start date. Each child will receive a home visit before they start nursery, so any information can be discussed more fully.

While attending nursery each child's key person will monitor their progress and development in conjunction with the Early Years Foundation Stage.  If the child is showing an educational need the key person and the SENCO will work together with the child and their family to support the child and provide any additional support.

The parents/carers will be informed about any concerns with their child's progress and we will work with families to provide extra support or request external support services such as SALT; Speech and Language therapy, STLS; Specialist Teaching Service, Portage and the Health Visiting team.

If the child attends another provision, either nursery and or childminder, they will also be involved in consultations about the child's progress and needs. The setting SENCO; Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator, will work directly with families and create an action plan which can be used at home, nursery and other settings.

If external support is required the setting SENCO will attend a LIFT; local inclusion forum meeting, to access appropriate support and advice.  Parents will need to consent to any external support and will be involved at all times.  The setting SENCO and the child's key person will be avialable for formal meetings and informal chats on a daily basis if needed.

All decisions, plans, and external support will have a review date and will be reviewed with families and next steps created.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development.

Our educators encourage the learning and development in these Prime Areas through play and exploration.

  • Communication and Language;
  • Physical Development; and 
  • Personal, social and emotional development.

As children grow, the Prime areas will help them to develop skills in four specific areas:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World; and
  • Expressive arts and design.

Within Abacus we use the learning through play apporach so children are supported and guided in their play to learn and acheive certain skills.  We keep observations that note all significant learning and development, which can include evidence created by the children themselves.  The Manager of the setting alongside the SENCO and child's key person will look regularly at the progress for each child to ensure that they are prgressing in line with the EYFS.

Within the setting a qualified and experienced educator is assigned to be your child's key person; ensuring learning, development, care and the child's interests are fully catered for.  Crucial partnerships are formed between you as parents/carers, the key person and child; whilst following guidelines from the EYFS.

Parents and carers are actively encouraged to discuss their childs progress at any time with their child's key person or setting Manager.  Each child also has a buddy key person to ensure that there is a special adult available at all times.

Key people are allocated before the child starts at nursery.  Sometimes the child may form a special bond with another adult within the setting so the key person can be re-allocated to suit the child's needs. All children have a contact book that is shared daily with families.  Parent and carers are encouraged to write in the contact book/share observatinos of the child at home.


Abacus Nursery believes that all children are entitled to an education that enable them to achieve to the best of their abilities and become confident young children with a growing ablitiy to communicate their own views.  All children need to be given the opportunity to progress and develop.  We set the highest aspirations for all of our children and welcome all into our setting; ensuring we strive to meet all of their needs; including

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social,emotional and mental health
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory and Physical needs

'A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disablity which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her'

Within the setting we have two designated SENCOS responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision within the setting. The SENCO's are Mrs Lisa Evans and Ms Elysha Punnett.

They will follow and adhere to key directives set out in the SEND Code of Practice, EYFS Statutory guidance and the Best Practice Guidance and other relevant documents.

They will work closely with parents and carers to find ways to support the child and aim for an agreed approach to special educational provision.

They will aim to create a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment that is accessible to all children, which promotes all areas of learning as stated in the EYFS.

They alongside all educators ensure that children feel valued and included in the settings daily activities, routines and decisions by listening and respecting their views and opinions.

They will work alongside other professional agencies, such as The Education People Equality and Inclusion team, KCC SEND team members, Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Portage Workers, Educational Psychologists and Specialist teachers; to identify effective supportive strategies and interventions or equipment needed to support the child within the setting.

They will monitor and review or practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments. 

We provide a statement showing how we provide for children with SEN or disabilities.

We ensure that the provision for children with SEN or disabilities is the responsiblity of all members of the setting.

We ensure that our inclusive admissions practice ensures equality of access and opportunity.

We ensure that our physical environment is as far as possible suitable for children with disabilities.  We will make every effort to provide specialist equipment if this is required.

We respect and maintain our Confidentiality Policy with regard to all our children and families.

We work closely with parents and carers, family members of children with SEN or disablilties to create and maintain a positive partnership; ensuring that parents are actively supported in contributing to needs assessments, developing and reviewing Targeted plans.

Childrens progress and achievements are shared with parents and carers on a regualr basis.

We liaise with other professiionals involved with children with SEN or disablities and their families, including transition arrangements to other settings and schools.

The settings SENCOs will attend LIFT meetings when required as well as local SENCO forums to keep up to date with information and training being offered.

We use the graduated response system form the SEND Code of Practice for identifying, assessing and responding to children's special educational needs. We initially make adjustments to activities using different strategies to support the child. If the child continues to need support we use a Personalised Plan to help move the child forward in liaison with parents and carers.  If a child is making little progress from strategies put into place, other professionals will be called upon and the setting SENCO will represent the child at the next available LIFT meeting and necessary arrangements and referrals will be made, such as Advisory teachers, SALT and the Educaional Psychology Service.  Strong communicative relationships between such services and the family will support the child further.

We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing individual Personalised plans and Educational Health Care Plan for children with SEN or disablilities; ensuring children and their parents are appropriately involved at all stages of the graduated response, taking into account thier levels of ability.

If it is felt that a child's needs cannot be met in the nursery without support of a one-to-one worker, funding will be sought to employ one.

We will work together with other settings, child minders, children's centres if the child attends.

We ensure the privacy of children with SEN or disabilities when intimate care is being provided.

We raise awareness if a member of staff has specialist training in any area of SEND eg Makaton, Sensory Processing Champion, PROACT SCIP.

We monitor and review the effectiveness of our provision by collecting information from a range of sources eg Targeted and Personalised plans, reviews, staff and manangement meetings, parental and external agencies views, inspections and complaints.  This information is collated, evaluated and reviewed annually.

We provide a Complaints procedure.

We always include all children in all activities and trips.  When planning activities and trips we plan these around the children attending the setting to ensure that it is appropriate for all. Each child's key person is notified of any upcoming event and they represent the child in regards to any changes or considerations that may need to be made.

Our new eco-building is accessible for children and families with mobility difficulties and we have appropriate toilet facilities.  The buidling within its design is spacious and can be set up to support children's physical needs.

We will ensure that staff demostrate a positive image of school and growing up; encouraging children to voice any concenrs or ideas in group or one to one discussions.

We will use role play opportunities for the structure of teacher/children carpet time. We encourage children to participate in slightly longer listening and attention adult-led activities and enhance their independence by changing into PE kits before a physical activity preparing them for the readiness of school.

Uniforms from the surrounding local schools are used in the role play area to help familiarise children with school life.

We ensure good relationships are formed with the schools Reception teachers and School Sencos.

We will help to faciliate transition into the primary school where we are based and as far as possible ensure that a child's key person will visit alongside the child and parents to their school of choice.

The Manager meets regularly with the SENCO and reflect upon planning and review/modify systems and processes to make our setting as accessible as possible. We would speak with parent and carers and families about their experiences and invite them to communicate how effective they feel our provision is.  We would also use different audit tools and training opportunities for the setting to ensure that we are the most up to date as possible with a wide range of skills across the nursery team.

Mrs Lisa Evans

We ask for parents and carers to feedback through parental questionnaires and always welcome constructive feedback and suggestions.

Abacus Nursery aims to provide the highest quality care and education for all of our children and families.  Children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes.  We accept that sometimes things do not go to plan and welcome suggestions on how to improve our services; giving prompt and serious attention to any concerns from parents and carers.  We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff.  If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concenrs.  We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our setting to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved.

Under normal cirumstances, the Manager will be responsible for managing complaints.  If a complaint is made against the Manager, the Registered Person wil conduct the investigation.  All complaints made verbally to staff will be rcorded in detail on a complaints log and will be followed up by the Manager/Deputy.


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